Tag Archives: recycle

Recycle with MAC

macThe other day, I told you guys about the Origins recycling program, so that brought to mind the MAC recycling program.  The Back to MAC Program has been put in place for years, but a lot of people are still unfamiliar with it.  Here’s what the program is: return six MAC primary packaging containers to a MAC counter or MAC online, and you’ll receive a free MAC lipstick in the color of your choice.

Recycle Your Cosmetics with Origins

originsReduce.  Reuse.  Recycle.  Three words that everyone should live by, and just because this is Earth Month.  

Yes, I’ll admit it, I’m a hippie, albeit, a materialistic one, but a hippie nonetheless.  So I was ecstatic to hear that Origins has launched a recycling program.  You can bring in any clean, empty cosmetics container – regardless of the brand – to any Origins counter, save for the ones at Nordstroms, and stand-alone stores.  All of the returned packages will be recycled or used for energy recovery.  And as a bonus, you’ll get a free sample of Origins skin care whenever you drop off a container.